Letter #7 - Surprise, I'm coming.
That’s what the force that keeps us on the ground is called. When you drop something or when something falls, the “thing” that makes it fall to the ground is called gravity. When there is a lack of gravity things float, one day you’ll see videos of astronauts floating because that force of gravity is missing. It’s like flying. It’s one of nature’s more exhilarating and sought after feelings.
That’s how I feel when I’m around you.
That’s how I feel when you run towards me screaming daddy and jump into my arms. It’s how I feel every second of interaction with you. I don’t know at what moment of my childhood I realized that I wanted to one day have a little boy, but I do remember thinking about all the things I’d want my little boy to look like, or sound like, how I’d want him to act and what would make him a “perfect” little boy. You are way better than the perfect boy I imagined in my head.
I watch videos of you as a baby, 6-12 months, a lot. You really were the cutest thing I had ever seen. It’s actually kind of scary that something so handsome came from me. At least part of me. I watch videos of your attitude coming in around 14-18 months old and I can’t help but be so impressed with how kind and social you are. You really do see the best in people. It’s incredible. You’re so pure, so innocent, so good.
The world in general Jor is a beautiful place; but the world is also a very dark, very selfish place. Don’t ever lose your innocence. Don’t ever lose your purity. There will come a time where you will cross people and interact with people who will smile to your face but speak ill behind your back. You will one day meet people who will look to take from you and who have malicious intentions to take advantage of the good and the beautiful that you bring to this world. When that happens; I expect you to stand strong. To know it’s a complete exposure of who they are and not a reflection of you.
Never let anyone tell you to stop being who you are.
Who you are has changed people for the better in the 4 years you’ve existed so far.
This letter isn’t as long as some of the others, I know that, I’m sorry. I actually can’t contain the excitement I’m feeling because I’m on a flight to go see you right now. I’m going to surprise you at school when you get out.
I love you Jor.
I’ve loved you all my life.
I’m beyond grateful for you. Your mom and I both feel like we hit the lottery with you.
One of my favorite songs says “....how do you spend all your days by his side, and I just said I’ll, love him till I die.”
I always think of you when I hear that. There’s nothing more I want or need in this life other than you. Me and you against the world, forever.
I’m on my way.
I’ll see you soon.
Always do good listening booger.